An interest bearing Buy Now Pay Later loan allows you to defer your payments for a period of time. Monthly payments will commence 12 months from the date your agreement starts and will be payable on the same day in each subsequent month. We will tell you the due date of the first repayment.
With the low-cost early repayment option, no interest will be charged on any payment made during the holiday period. Important! You will have to pay interest accrued during the holiday period on anything you do not repay. Interest is calculated from the start of the agreement, which means interest will accrue during the holiday period.
If you settle the outstanding balance before the first repayment is due then we will waive all interest charges with a one off administration fee payable of £29.
Cash Price |
£6,495 |
Deposit |
£0 |
Loan Amount |
£6,495 |
Term |
60 Months |
Interest Rate |
15.9% (fixed) |
60 Monthly Repayments |
£176.29 |
Representative APR |
15.9% |
Total Charge For Credit |
£4,082.40 |
Total Amount Payable |
£10,577.40 |
Credit subject to status and affordability. Terms & Conditions Apply.
All Swim Ltd is a credit broker not the lender and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Credit is provided by Novuna Personal Finance, a trading style of Mitsubishi HC Capital UK PLC authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Register no. 704348. The register can be accessed through
For further information on Finance please visit our Frequantly Asked Questions Page