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Swimming Pool FAQs

Q: Why Buy A Swimming Pool?
A: Year after year we promise ourselves more leisure time as well as more time spent with the family - we rarely achieve it. The pace of modern life is so fast that it’s easy to neglect these things and that’s why one of the best ways to make the most of this valued time is to add a swimming pool to your garden. Pools are no longer a luxury purchase and are readily available in a vast range of designs at affordable prices. Just imagine how much fun your children would have splashing around with their friends, or how much you and your family would enjoy swimming in the privacy of your own back garden.

Q: Do I Need Planning Permission For A Swimming Pool?
A: The majority of authorities do not insist on planning permission for the building of a private swimming pool in the back garden of a domestic property in the U.K. However, if you are thinking of erecting an enclosure over the pool, then permission is required and you are advised to consult your local authority before commencement.

Even though planning permission is not normally required All Swim recommend that you contact your local authority before commencement of any work in order to check the requirements of local legislation.

Q: Can I Build It Myself?
A: Quite simply yes – An All Swim liner pool kit is within the scope and ability of an average DIY person. However, many customers use a local bricklayer for the actual building and rendering of the pool walls. At All Swim we are available at all stages of construction to extend our help and advice and can assure our prospective DIY customer that the installation is not difficult.

Q: What About My Water Rates?
A: Apart from the initial filling, a pool actually requires very little water for its normal maintenance.

Q: What Size Pool Should I Buy?
A: The size of pool you choose is related to the area available in your garden as well as any budgetary constraints. However, we find the most popular size of pool is 30’ x 14’. When deciding on a pool size you will need to consider such points as – access for heavy machinery, underground cables and pipes, overhead telephone and electricity wires, the water table and ground structure.

Q: Should I Buy A DIY Kit Or Have The Pool Installed?
A: This is your own choice but there is normally quite a difference in the ultimate cost. As mentioned previously the installation is not difficult and All Swim support staff are there to give help and advice every step of the way.

Q: Why Choose A Liner Pool?
A: Liner pools have opened up the possibility of pool ownership to a greater number of homeowners and such are the advances in liner materials and construction techniques that, in many cases, it is difficult to tell the difference between a liner and concrete pool – only the cheaper price tag gives it away! It is therefore, not surprising a high percentage of domestic in-ground pools are liner pools, especially as each year sees many additions to the options for plain or patterned liners. Even if damaged, a liner pool can be repaired under water and the liner itself may not need replacing for up to 10 years; but when it does finally become necessary, you can change the pool completely with a new pattern or colour.

Q: DIY: Briefly – What Is Involved?
A: A pool is dug out either by a mechanical excavator or by hand, to the dimensions given in the booklet. A concrete foundation 15" wide x 6" deep is laid around the perimeter of the pool on which the pool walls are built. The pool walls are made out of 18" x 9" x 4" solid concrete blocks laid to a height of 3’6" for Hopper and Constant Slope pools (9 courses laid on their flat) and 4’2" for Constant Depth pools ( 11 courses laid on their flat). On completion of the walls they are rendered with a thin skim of sand/cement to present a smooth face to the liner. A special extrusion is fitted to the top of the wall into which the pool liner is clipped. A 2" (50 mm) layer of sand/cement is screeded to create the pool floor. When the pool shell is complete the liner is fitted and filling commenced.

Q: What Is Supplied In The Kit?
A: An All Swim Do-It-Yourself swimming pool kit includes the rapid sand filter and a correctly sized swimming pool self priming pump, liner, linerlock, skimmer(s), inlet(s), outlet, pipework, valves and sufficient plumbing fittings to position the filter within ten feet of the pool, multi-water test kit, pool maintenance kit and initial chemicals. What we do not provide are the basic building materials such as cement, sand, chippings, concrete blocks or reinforcing bar, however, all these materials are obtainable locally from a builders’ merchants.

Q: Can I Sink An Above Ground Pool Into The Ground?
A: As the name would suggest, these are for above ground assembly. However, if you wish to sink one in the ground, we would recommend that you leave a void between the pool wall and the soil.

Q: Can I Deck Up To An Above Ground Pool?
A: Most certainly and they look very attractive with decking up to them but you would be advised to decide this before purchasing as you would need to change the standard ladder to an in-pool ladder.

Q: Can I Heat An Above Ground Pool?
A: Yes you can and there are various forms of heating available depending on the type of pool. We would be happy to advise you on this.

Q: Do I Have To Take An Above Ground Pool Down Again For Winter?
A: No – the pool would be winterised and we would be happy to advise on this. In the case of quick up & quick set pools, we recommend that these are taken down and stowed away for the winter.

Q: How Much Does An Above Ground Swimming Pool Cost?
A: The price of above ground swimming pools varies widely but they start from only £285.00.

Q: How Much Does An Outdoor Swimming Pool Cost To Run?
A: Outdoor pools are less expensive to run with only heating and chemicals to consider. A typical March-September season would cost from £350-£500.

Q: Is There Much Maintenance Associated With A Swimming Pool?
A: There is more associated with an outdoor pool because it is outside!! Airborne dirt and the occasional leaf may stray into your pool. Most pools are supplied with a maintenance kit which generally takes care of this.

Q: How Easily Could I Make My Outdoor Pool An Indoor Option?
A: When the weather is poor you can avoid the disappointment of not being able to use your pool by choosing a pool air dome or a telescopic enclosure. For further information please email us via the web site.



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2024 All Swim Catalogue
A.J & J.L Veysey | Company registration no: 1061642 | VAT no: GB133 4078 90
All Swim Ltd, Units 3-5 Link Trade Park, Penarth Road, Cardiff CF11 8TQ
