Aquasparkle O² Gentle Spa Starter Kit
Aquasparkle O2 is an easy to use, chlorine free water treatment system for spas and hot tubs. An ideal solution for those with sensitivity to chlorine or bromine sanitisers.
The complete starter kit contains:
- 1 kg O2 Gentle Granules
- 500ml O2 Gentle Liquid
- 500g pH Plus
- 1 Spa Fusion Sachet
- 3 Way Aquablanc Test Strips
- 10ml Scoop & 50ml Measuring Cup
Key Features
- O2 Gentle liquid activator
- Easy to dose O2 Gentle Granules
- Soft & gentle approach to spa care
Before converting a spa to AquaSPArkle O2 Gentle, it is recommended that the spa is drained and re-filled with fresh water. The spa should then be shock dosed with chlorine.
Application Instructions:
1. Brand new spas or spas left drained for a period of time require an initial chlorine shock or start-up dose of 50mg/l (ppm) of free chlorine circulated for a minimum of 1 hour. Existing spas converting to the AquaSPArkle O2 Gentle system should be drained and re-filled with fresh water then shock dosed with a chlorine shock product.
2. Maintain pH levels within the ideal range of 7.2 – 7.6.
3. Initial Dose: Add 25g of O2 Gentle Granules per 1,000 of spa water directly into the spa with the pump(s) running. In addition, add 40ml AquaSPArkle O2 Gentle Liquid per 1,000 of spa water.
4. Ongoing Dose: Prior to spa use, add 15g of O2 Gentle Granules per 1,000 litres of spa water directly into the spa with the pump(s) running. Also each week, add 10ml of AquaSPArkle O2 Gentle Liquid per 1,000 of spa water directly into the spa water.
5. Once the O2 Gentle Granules have fully dissolved, check the active oxygen (MPS) level using active oxygen 3-way test strips. The active oxygen (MPS) level should be between 5 – 10mg/l (ppm).
6. A weekly dose of AquaSPArkle Spa Fusion is recommended to assist in removing excess bather contaminants.
Note: AquaSPArkle O2 Gentle Granules must be used in conjunction with AquaSPArkle O2 Gentle Liquid.